2018年4月13日_如何立即获取Windows 10的2018年4月更新
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The is now available, but it may be a few months before every PC gets it. If you don’t want to wait, you can download the April 2018 Update from Microsoft right now.

现已推出,但可能需要数月才能使每台PC都获得它。 如果您不想等待,可以立即从Microsoft下载2018年4月更新。

关于提早升级的警告 (A Warning About Upgrading Early)

It can be annoying waiting months for a big Windows 10 update to reach your PC, but there’s a reason for the delay. Microsoft normally ensures the update works on your PC’s hardware and won’t cause any problems before offering it to you via Windows Update. If there seems to be a problem on some PCs, Microsoft can pause the update for those PCs and work on fix before continuing it.

等待大型Windows 10更新到达您的PC可能会很烦人,但这是造成延迟的原因。 Microsoft通常会确保更新可以在您PC的硬件上运行,并且在通过Windows Update提供给您之前不会引起任何问题。 如果某些PC上似乎有问题,Microsoft可以暂停这些PC的更新并进行修复,然后再继续进行。

If you choose to skip the orderly rollout, you may encounter problems with the Windows 10 operating system on your PC’s hardware. You’re installing a stable operating system, so it’s much less risky than and using an unstable version of Windows. However, there is a risk you could encounter bugs or other issues on your PC.

如果选择跳过有序部署,则PC硬件上的Windows 10操作系统可能会遇到问题。 您正在安装稳定的操作系统,因此与并使用不稳定的Windows版本相比,它的风险要小得多。 但是,您可能会在PC上遇到错误或其他问题。

Be sure you understand and accept these risks before opting into an early upgrade. Microsoft the below tricks are for “advanced users.”

选择早期升级之前,请确保您理解并接受了这些风险。 微软 ,以下技巧是针对“高级用户”的。

选项1:使用Windows Update检查更新 (Option 1: Check for Updates Using Windows Update)

Starting with Windows 10’s April 2018 Update, you can now initiate the update without downloading any software.

从Windows 10的2018年4月更新开始,您现在可以启动更新而无需下载任何软件。

To do so, head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Update. Click the “Check for Updates” button here.

为此,请转到“设置”>“更新和安全性”>“ Windows Update”。 单击此处的“检查更新”按钮。

Windows 10 will check for updates and begin downloading the “Feature update to Windows 10, version 1803.” This is the April 2018 Update.

Windows 10将检查更新,并开始下载“ Windows 10版本1803的功能更新”。 这是2018年4月更新。

If you don’t manually check for updates in Windows Update, you’ll receive the update when Microsoft decides it’s appropriate for your PC. If you do manually check for updates, you’ll receive it immediately.

如果您没有在Windows Update中手动检查更新,则Microsoft会确定该更新适用于您的PC。 如果您手动检查更新,则会立即收到。

选项2:下载Microsoft的Update Assistant (Option 2: Download Microsoft’s Update Assistant)

Microsoft offers an Update Assistant tool whenever it releases one of these big Windows 10 updates. You can download this tool to manually opt into the April 2018 Update, even if Microsoft hasn’t pushed it to your device yet. Microsoft has noted that this tool is for advanced users using an officially licensed, or “,” version of Windows 10.

每当发布这些大型Windows 10更新之一时,Microsoft就会提供更新助手工具。 您可以下载此工具以手动选择加入2018年4月更新,即使Microsoft尚未将其推送到您的设备上也是如此。 微软指出,该工具适用于使用Windows 10官方许可或“ ”版本的高级用户。

Head to the page and click the “Update Now” button to download the Update Assistant. Run it and you’ll be told your PC is not running the latest version of Windows 10.

转到“ 页面,然后单击“立即更新”按钮以下载更新助手。 运行它,您会被告知您的PC没有运行最新版本的Windows 10。

This dialog is a little unclear if you’re not familiar with . If you’re using the , you’ll be told your PC is running “version 1709”. The tool will offer to upgrade you to version 1803, which is the final stable version of the April 2018 Update.

如果您不熟悉则此对话框有点不清楚。 如果您使用的是 ,则会被告知您的PC正在运行“ 1709版”。 该工具将提供您升级到版本1803的功能,这是2018年4月更新的最终稳定版本。

Click “Update Now” and the Update Assistant will download and install the April 2018 Update for you. You can continue using your PC normally and even minimize the window, if you like. It will remain running in the notification area while it downloads the update.

单击“立即更新”,更新助手将为您下载并安装2018年4月更新。 如果愿意,您可以继续正常使用PC,甚至可以最小化窗口。 下载更新时,它将继续在通知区域中运行。

遇到问题时如何降级 (How to Downgrade If You Have a Problem)

If there is a problem, you can you had installed. Just head to Settings > Update & security > Recovery and click the “Get started” button under “Go back to the previous version of Windows 10”.

如果有问题,可以已安装早期版本。 只需转到“设置”>“更新和安全性”>“恢复”,然后单击“返回到Windows 10的先前版本”下的“入门”按钮。

You can only downgrade within the first ten days. You also won’t be able to downgrade if you  or use a software program that deletes it for you, like or . After ten days, Windows automatically removes the Windows.old folder to free up space, so you won’t have the option of downgrading without .

您只能在前十天内降级。 如果或使用为您删除它的软件程序,例如或您也将无法降级。 十天后,Windows会自动删除Windows.old文件夹以释放空间,因此如果不则无法选择降级。

Once you’ve downgraded, just wait until Microsoft offers you the update via Windows Update. The problem should be fixed by the time your PC receives the update normally.

降级后,只需等到Microsoft通过Windows Update为您提供更新即可。 该问题应在PC正常接收更新时解决。

下次通过内部预览获得早期更新 (Get Early Updates Next Time with the Insider Previews)

If you’re , now is a good time to . If you stay on the “Fast Ring”, Microsoft will soon begin pushing you very unstable versions of the next Windows 10 update. You may want to switch to the “Slow Ring”, “Release Preview”, or even leave Insider Preview builds behind for now and use the stable version of the April 2018 Update. Head to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Insider Program to choose your Insider Preview settings.

如果您正在 ,那么现在是 的好时机。 如果您停留在“ Fast Ring”上,Microsoft将很快开始向您推送下一个Windows 10更新的非常不稳定的版本。 您可能需要切换到“慢速铃声”,“发布预览”,或者甚至暂时放弃Insider Preview版本,并使用稳定版的April 2018 Update。 转到“设置”>“更新和安全性”>“ Windows Insider程序”以选择“ Insider预览”设置。

If, however, you want to get updates earlier next time, you can enable Insider Previews to get a pre-release look at these features. The “Release Preview” track of Windows 10, in particular, is pretty great, since it’s much more stable than the Fast and Slow rings, and will get you new updates without having to wait for the rollout. It’s still —one that keeps you on the stable build of Windows 10 but gives you Windows updates, driver updates, and Microsoft app updates early—so download at your own risk. But in our experience, the Release Preview is a relatively stable track with quick updates, which is great.

但是,如果您希望下一次更早获得更新,则可以启用Insider Previews来预览这些功能。 特别是Windows 10的“发布预览”轨迹非常出色,因为它比“快速”和“慢速”铃声稳定得多,并且无需等待推出就可以获取新的更新。 从它仍然可让您保持Windows 10稳定版本但可以尽早提供Windows更新,驱动程序更新和Microsoft应用程序更新的 ,因此,下载风险自负。 但是根据我们的经验,Release Preview是一个相对稳定的轨道,具有快速更新,这很棒。




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